The tomatoes are looking great.

The chillis are flowering and hitting the roof of the greenhouse. The melons beneath them are putting on a lot of growth, I hope I get more than one fruit this time unlike all my previous attempts.

The runner beans are making lots of flowers.

The Borlotti beans are not quite showing as much flower.

Lovely beetroot.

The leaf patterning on courgettes is beautiful, the fruit should be ready to eat next weekend.

I've had to freeze the peas as there have been so many.

I've not dug up any of the early potatoes yet, but I will be soon. Notice that the hedge behind has been removed by the neighbour to be replaced by a 4 foot wicket fence. This will let more light onto the garden especially on to the plum tree and more importantly I don't have to trim the hedge anymore. This was a dangerous affair since to cut the top of the hedge I had to balance on stepladders on sloping ground.

I need to make a proper permanent but moveable netted frame for the sprouts. For now I've just stretched some netting over the plants but there are gaps and the cabbage white butterflies will find their way in. Notice the flowers of the coriander which has still bolted even in the part shade. Although I have got several pickings out of it it's time to sow some more.

Lastly for now, the strawberries are doing well and need regular pickings.