Now that the tennis at Wimbledon is on we think of strawberries, and mine are looking good I think. They aren't ready yet but they need protecting from the birds. So the net frame has been installed.
I planted the tomatoes (Gardeners' delight) into their final pots in the greenhouse.
I planted the outdoor bush tomatoes in the sidebed. The leaves are rolled up and an indication that the plant is trying to reduce water loss. The new growth though is not showing this.
The courgettes and lettuce have grown well. I harvested three small courgettes already and the lettuce can be cut soon.
The climbing beans (no runner beans this year) and dwarf beans are planted out.
Along with the turnips....
and leeks which I planted by digging a trench first and then the planting holes. The idea being that I can back fill and get longer stems.
I've got some carrots, hooray!
Peas in flower.
I'm pleased with the potatoes, although some of them have been eaten a little.
Lastly, the onions are looking good and I've had one of them for a meal last weekend.
So far growth is good and a plentiful harvest is promised, despite the late start and harsh winter.