I think it's rocket.
Or at least write with an indelible pen. You think you'll remember but you don't. So, I've bought 100 large labels and write with a pencil.
I also bought a nice potting tray to do all of the sowing and potting up in. Very tidy.
The greenhouse is filling up.
The usual suspects are there. Tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, courgettes, chillies, kohlrabi, peas, beetroot . I'm also trying climbing pumpkins and borlotti beans.
The spuds were planted on Good Friday, no sign yet.
Planting the onions in modules has been successful, they are growing well in the beds now.
I've planted over 50 in total of red and white variety.
The pear blossom has been the first to show and there's a good amount this year.
But the apple blossom is equally pleasing to see.
There might even be some figs this year. There was an infestation of weevils in all the plants in containers so I had to treat them, seems to have worked.
The peas have been transplanted and look very strong.
Finally, I've been enjoying the YouTube videos of Dan who can grow some great veg. See http://www.allotment-diary.co.uk
I'm trying his approach and have treated the beds with rock dust and fertilised them with blood, fish and bone. He also grows banana shallots which look great, so I'm giving them a go too.