The parsnips are a nice size and very tasty. I have noticed a problem with the loo roll method in that a good tap root does not form readily. I think what happens is that there is good lateral growth into the loo roll but the tap root does not seem to grow evenly as it gets to the bottom of the loo roll and hits garden soil which it struggles to penetrate. The result is forked tap roots and a constriction where the bottom of the loo roll is.
So this year I'm going to try direct sowing.
The leeks have been ravaged by leek moth which I haven't had a problem with until now. That's because it has normally been a problem in the south but it is obviously moving northwards. I will have to monitor the plants closely this year. The caterpillar migrates down from the green leaf into the white stem where the brown pupae overwinter. The picture below shows how the stems are shredded by the caterpillar eating its way down the stem and leaving tracks marked by brown edges. If the leaves are removed then the inner parts of the stem are OK and edible.
Good luck with your plans! hope your leeks do well
I hope that direct sowing your parsnips gives you better results this year and that you find a way around your leek moth problem. Could you sow another plant around the edge of the leek plant to confuse the caterpillars?
Good luck and let us know how you do.
Thanks for your comments. I will have to try a barrier method such as fleece or environmesh to stop the leek moth.
I really like leeks so don't want to give up growing them.
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