6th February, 2013

The first post of 2013.  The lack of postings is because I haven't done anything in the garden.  Simple as that, plus there's been a fair bit of the white stuff.

When the snow did clear away, I still haven't done much as the soil is too wet to work. I still have beds to dig and tidying up to do, so I can't slacken too much, it will be spring in no time.  I need to sow some onion seeds, leeks and broad beans.

It's also nice to receive a delivery of the seed potatoes.  It gives a real sense of the new season starting.  I've ordered more this year, maybe a mistake with the ever increasing threat of blight? There is the usual favourite variety of Kestrel and I'm trying out a nice salad potato, pink fir apple.

I am still harvesting beetroot and parsnips which is a nice bonus.

There are leeks too, but they aren't very big and there is some leaf miner damage.

I'm looking forward to next weekend when I can get stuck in to the sowing, digging and tidying up. Weather permitting.

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