and so are the chillis...

and finally the first of the tomatoes (Gardener's delight) are ready for eating.

But the outside tomato plants (sub arctic plenty) have formed about 2 or 3 trusses and that's it. The growing point is not there anymore which is strange. As a result the plants are only about 2 foot tall. They better taste nice!

I dug up the spring planted onions as they had mostly fallen over and were a good size. The weekend weather was lovely and hot, perfect for drying onions.

In the place of the onions I was going to plant a pumpkin but I decided two more squash plants would be more productive. They have lovely large yellow flowers, but only last for a day. I dug in a good few spadefuls of well rotted farmyard manure that I collected last January, it's turned out really well. The soil was really dry, I'm amazed the onions did so well and the leeks before that.

The runner beans are ready at last.

I'm not so sure about the sweetcorn. It is starting to show the male flowers (and at the top and on some the female flowers are showing too. But most of the plants are no more than a few feet tall and don't seem to be as tall as last year. Again, this might be due to the heavy clay soil drying out, despite me mulching heavily with grass cuttings.